Low back pain — what is it, causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Under osteoarthritis is referred to in the un degenerative process in intervertebral discs. The spine is compressed, squashing the discs in between the vertebrae. With time lose their elasticity, I began as a constriction and nerve endings of the spinal cord.


Like any other disease, low back pain should be treated under the supervision of a doctor. Then, it will explain in detail in this disease, by what is produced and that the symptoms characterized by him.

What and osteochondrosis?

Osteochondrosis and a disease of the spine, a characteristic feature of the which the and degenerative-dystrophic lesion of the intervertebral discs, and then the very fabric of the vertebrae.

Degenerative changes in disc lead to a weakening of the un outside of the ring fibrous. Therefore, patients with degenerative disc disease often have such serious complications, as the protrusion (bulging part of the disc) and the hernia (part no disk nucleus pulposus of the nucleus into the spinal canal).

According to the results of medical studies, problems with the spine suffers every second house original works of art for 30 years. In 70% of cases, the cause of the pain in the spine, the degenerative disk disease that refers to neurological diseases that affect the ligaments of the spine.

Like any other disease, low back pain may not arise by itself, without any reason for the knock back an acute pain. The primers of osteochondrosis signs of the spine are not immediately apparent, a little a little.

According to the places of pain there are three types of arthritis:

  • Cervical;
  • Thoracic;
  • Lumbar.

Important! The main complications of osteochondrosis belong, to the exit of the intervertebral discs, schmorl's nodule, ankylosis of the spine, pinching the roots of piegaro spine and blood vessels.


Many experts, According to that study this disease in the main cause of osteoarthritis is poorly distributed the load on the spine. As a result, directly to patients in the field who in excess of physical pressure, there is un-change in the structure of cartilage.

The causes of osteochondrosis:

  • The genetic predisposition to the disease.
  • The presence of excess weight
  • Presence of diseases of the endocrine system – metabolic disorders.
  • The development of diseases orthopaedic such as flat feet, curvature of the posture, of the les diseases locomotor system.
  • A variety of injuries, injuries of the spine.
  • Lifestyle: lack of activity, poor Group, with a predominance of fast food dishes and harmful products.
  • The presence of excess weight.
  • Bad habits – Smoking, alcoholism.
  • Stress, protoplanet.
  • Pregnancy.

In the majority of cases the causes of osteochondrosis are related with the professional activity of the person. The group of risk includes the following professional categories:

  • counter;
  • atms;
  • IT-workers.
  • the staff of The office;
  • professional athletes;
  • drivers of vehicles.

However, it should be noted that the signs of osteoarthritis most often occur women in the homes.

Stage of development

The development of degenerative disc disease occurs in 4 stages (degree):

Low back pain phase 1

It is characterized by the primers pathological polipozom process in the nucleus of the intervertebral disc and dehydrated (dehydration), and, in consequence, to the height of the disc decreases. Therefore in the ring fibrous, began to appear cracks. In this phase, the patient usually will not be sent any changes. The physical discomfort can manifest in unusual for a person in the position of the seat or active position.

Stage 2

In the second stage of osteochondrosis of the continuity of degenerative changes leading to the departure of the clubs. Reduce the gap between the vertebrae, and destruction of the capsule fibrous. In the result, violated the cord and the nerve roots that provokes the appearance point of pain, the intensity of which increases with tilt, swivel, and other movements. Perhaps the appearance of weakness, a decrease in the maximum performance.

The stages of development of osteochondrosis

Stage 3 disc degenerative diseases of the spine

It is characterized by the Suppression of the cartilage pads between the clubs, the thinning of the tissue and more noticeable if to make renthenznimky. The symptoms of osteochondrosis pronounced, are intensive, and a pain does not pass, I shoot, only one of able to powerful painkillers.

Stage 4

The fourth stage, the un complex neurological disorder in the backbone of the system, which expresses s in a total or partial restriction of the mobility of the joints. Diagnosis In this condition in the place of the vertebral joints formed growths bony (osteophytes) that cause microtrauma to the nerve branches and vertebral column adjacent segments.

In the majority of cases, the symptoms of osteochondrosis of 4 degrees does not cause pain, physical discomfort and the as the joints to be fossilized form.

The symptoms of the ca osteoarthritis adults

Osteochondrosis – degenerative-dystrophic changes (destruction) bone tissue of the spine, articular cartilage, ligaments, and intervertebral discs. About the disease consists of abnormal mobility of the spine, which has violated soft tissue, nerve fibers and blood vessels located close to the lesion that cause pain.

Early symptoms of osteochondrosis:

  • back pain, neck, lower back, shoulders and even the ribs;
  • the physical discomfort, the stiffness back of it to certain movements, lifting something;
  • numbness of the extremities (hands and/or feet);
  • feeling learning of the legs and arms, chills;
  • muscle spasms;
  • the disorders in the genital organs;
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • pain in the region of the heart;
  • loss of sensitivity
  • muscle hypotonia;
  • fatigue, and sometimes the eyes.

To facilitate the appearance of acute, symptoms may excessive exercise d', fatigue, hypothermia, trauma, body shake and vibration.


Degenerative processes that affect on the first intervertebral discs, to reduce its density, the loss of their shock-absorbing functions. The consequence of these changes, an excessive mobility of the spine affects the joints, muscles and ligaments.

Involved in the processes destructive paravertebral structures that cause compression (squeezing) of the spinal cord, its nerve endings. As a result, the patient of osteoarthritis is sent with pain, which is accompanied with these symptoms and diseases:

  • headache, migraine;
  • the decrease of the visual acuity.
  • partial hearing loss;
  • radiculopathy (sciatica);
  • autonomic dysfunction (VSD);
  • dysfunction of the system, urogenital;
  • sciatica (compressions of sciatic nerve);
  • a herniated disk;
  • spondiloarthrosis;
  • lumbago, sciatica;
  • osteophytes, spondylosis;
  • the stenosis spinal.

The worst of all with disease degenerative disc should start to appear and other diseases. The fact that the damaged neurovascular bundle, the deterioration of the circulation of the blood, as a result, the disease of all the body.

Aggravation of degenerative disc disease

In the spring, often occurs un the deterioration of the bottom of the column, in the"winter of acute thoracic. Aggravation can be when the weather changes, the stress, the physical effort. During the exacerbation of the condition is with prescribed analgesics, local ointments, the drugs that relieve the inflammation and muscle spasm. Diuretic used in severe edema, but at the same time, and need to apply the preparations of sodium and potassium.


Diagnosis of osteoarthritis is based on the following methods:

Physiological examination
  1. The history of the study of the complaints of the patient, and identifying the time of occurrence, the causes, the duration, the characteristics of the disease.
  2. Physiological examination:
    • diagnosis of the position of the body, gait, rang of motion of the patient;
    • to be able to study the skin for areas of spot redness, peeling, rash;
    • palpable painful areas to determine the local temperature, the presence of edema, muscular spasms, the seals;
    • for the detection of the area of pain radiation and percussion with a finger or a special hammer;
    • pricking with a needle help to determine pain sensitivity.

Instrumentals Methods of diagnosis of osteoarthritis:

  • Two rays X diagnostic does the un play a key role in this disease. The x-ray conventional to identify these signs of disease, such as the reduction of the gap between the vertebrae.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) – method of the study to allow the un accurate diagnosis of what is happening in the spine processes. With their help, in particular, a possible to determine the presence grimestone disk and its location.
  • Computed tomography (CT) are similar in their diagnostic capabilities for magnetic RESONANCE imaging. The disadvantage of the CT in the presence of radiation in the course of the study.

How to treat osteochondrosis?

There is no specific and only correct method of treatment of degenerative disc disease this process, in any case, requires the un comprehensive approach. If the doctor says otherwise, you should think about their professional qualifications and to consider finding another expert.

The un comprehensive program traditionally includes the following components:

  • physiotherapeutic methods of influence;
  • special exercises and massage;
  • methods of manual therapy;
  • medication;
  • reflexology, electrophoresis, etc.;
  • traction.

Recommendations for the treatment of degenerative disk disease at home:

  1. The rejection of bad habits and a progressive transition towards the acquisition of useful habits. Tobacco, alcohol, drive a spasms I have felt entrapped vessels, artery dorsal.
  2. Diet — a rejection of fatty and cholesterol containing foods: eggs, broth, the skins of the birds and the pigs.
  3. Restrict the intake of coffee and strong tea, a little a little switch and infusions, fresh juices.
  4. Choose the mattress and pillow to sleep, preferably orthopedic.
  5. The restoration of normal circulation of the blood in satiksi muscles discs and with a massage, self-massage, complex physical therapy, compresses, easy money with the consumption of herbal teas from herbs I alcoholic tinctures of herbs.
Drugs of osteoarthritis

Drugs of osteoarthritis

Specialists in the treatment of these patients, prescribe drugs with properties to the following: to relieve the inflammation, restore the function of the musculoskeletal system, stimulate the regeneration of tissues of the intervertebral discs and cartilage and to avoid examining the progression of osteoarthritis.

Treatment of osteoarthritis and traditional forms of treatment of many diseases musculoskeletal system l: Aine assigned to eliminate the inflammatory process in the tissues, chondroprotectors to restore the level of synovial fluid and corticosteroids, if the first two drugs proven to be ineffective.


In order to get rid of osteoarthritis, using various therapy, including massage. It has many useful properties — reduces muscle tone, the flow of blood to the spine, a stimulated, the medulla become clubs stronger.

Manual therapy in osteochondrosis

Manual therapy relieves acute pain, helps to restore the posture. One of the more methods used, and visceral therapy. In the course of the carrying out of a study of the joints qualitative, circulation improving the blood, strengthen the immune system. To prevent the worsening of the most chronic diseases.

Physical therapy — therapeutic exercise

Physiotherapy or physical therapy of grand osteochondrosis importance. As well, special exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back contribute to the formacio of the Lite version of the corset, which provides, in turn, load distribution uniform on the spine. In addition, due to the regular practice of movement the improvement of the blood and the nutrition of tissues, including intervertebral discs, and the patient develops the correct posture to increase the range of motion of the spine.

A therapeutic physical training and gymnastics to bring the expected effect, must comply with the following rules:

  1. Exercises with osteochondrosis must be carried out periodically.
  2. All the movements must be soft and slow.
  3. Breathing has to be smooth (.
  4. Diet in osteochondrosis
  5. Follow the pulse of the taxa.
  6. If you physical discomfort and experience pain in the muscles and the spine to reduce the amplitude and intensity of movements.
  7. Gymnastics and gymnastics enjoyed a can be any time of the day.
  8. For medical gymnastics and physical education to choose comfortable clothes made of natural fabrics.
  9. Before you start to do exercises and physical exercises you need to consult with your doctor.

Physical therapy

Help of so you for dealing with painful manifestations at the sites of localization of the pathological process. There are many types of treatment physiotherapeutic. Often resort to the use of magnetotherapy, ultrasound therapy, and the impact of low frequency currents.

Effects of thisprocedure can be:

  • the normalization of metabolism in the affected areas;
  • the object of the enlargement of the resistance of the organism;
  • relief of pain;
  • improvement of the microcirculation in the spine paravertebral and tissues;
  • removal of edema;
  • the reduction of the inflammatory process;
  • improvement of the mobility of the spine.

Low back pain, as well as in any other disease of the spine requires immediate treatment. In the first language of signs, be sure to consult the un podiatrist. Be healthy!